Friday, September 10, 2010

First Day of School, take two

So, after a less than auspicious beginning a couple weeks ago, I decided to bag it all until after my niece's wedding (where I was the photographer), wait for David to come home to help me strategize some things, and just let the kids enjoy the tail end of summer. So, we start afresh on Monday. I'm frantically trying to finish the last of my preparations, mostly some motivational things and whatnot to help them track their progress and stay on course. I'm hoping to get Noodle taking more charge over her math and hopefully coming to like it more. We'll see.... Main goal for Spud this year: READING! As soon as he feels confident and/or sufficiently motivated, I really feel like he'll be able to take off like crazy. It's just a matter of finding that motivation.


Cherie said...

Redo's are totally fair! I think that happens on a weekly to bi-weekly basis around here!

Goals are fabulous, I know everybody will rally and move forward with great strides as usual. You have a wonderful family and I'm so glad that your kids get the added feeling of love and commitment you have for them as you spend what could be your "free time" helping them prepare for life in every way. Good luck to you! I can't wait to see all the amazing things you'll do this year!

Whitney said...

Sometimes I think waiting is the best option! It looks like you have some fun curricula for this year. I look forward to seeing all your happenings. Thanks for being an inspiration and example to me in my homeschooling endeavors.

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

Here's hoping the week started off good for you and everyone is sufficiently motivated ;-)